Focus Course Academy

Happy New Year!

Tomorrow is Epiphany, which I guess is the formal end of the holiday period. Certainly it is here in Cyprus.

Looking at the blog, my last three posts have been around productivity, goals and plans. New Year - new plans.

The new setup is working. It's an embodiment of my desire to be intentional. I'm changing up all my routines. When I wake, I'm taking my morning coffee with my kindle. No phone allowed. Wow! What a difference that makes. To my great surprise, the world continues to turn if I don't check my e-mail or social feeds until later. I get to my desk caffeinated, and ready for the day, rather than already battered down by the news and everyone else's priorities. I start in the office with Analog and my journals. Only then do I check my calendar to make sure that there's no appointment that I have forgotten.

If you haven't tried this approach, give it a go. Retain control of your own agenda.

One piece of continuity from 2021 is the Focus Course Academy from Shawn and the team at Blanc Media. The next cohort begins on January the 11th.

I've completed the course already, but whenever Shawn runs another cohort, I pop in and lurk about.


First of all - Focus is a road, not a destination. Spending a little time assessing where my focus and attention is being spent is a good investment.

Secondly, I'm part of an alumni scheme, which grants me access to all the sessions, including the pro-level guest presentations. I'm looking forward to catching those, either live, or on catch-up.

Mostly though, I find the academy really useful. The link above is an affiliate one, and as you read this, I'm speccing up a Ferrari that I plan to buy with the proceeds.

This year, I'm further developing my daily themes, which I instigated last year. Mike Vardy talks a lot about this concept - and I have listened and stolen.

Monday - WRITE: Tuesday - SELL: Wednesday - MANAGE: Thursday - RECORD: Friday - THINK: Saturday - PLAY: Sunday - REST

The daily theme is a guide. It's an intention. My key focus for the day. I don't wake on a Monday and write until sunset. Nor do I refuse to write on a Thursday.

This is a work in progress. I have an index card for each day, and beneath the themes, I'm filling in regular tasks, working out what sits best where.

Again - I'm working on being intentional. Sure, life regularly upsets the applecart of any schedule, and like everyone else, I have to roll with it - but having the themes helps me get back on track faster.

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