Health Report

I’m languishing on the dreaded plateau. It seems whatever I eat, however much I exercise, the scales stay stubbornly static. The trick of course is to keep calm and carry on, and I’ll endeavour to do that.

Sean. Truth?

“Now you can see the plan. You can see John’s part. My part. And your part. The brotherhood seeks revenge. Who handed Sergei to the Americans? It was Ivan, of course. He was going to kill us too. Thank God you shot him first. ”

Becoming ignorant

Generally speaking, I don’t have a clue what’s going on in the world, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Mostly, ignorance is bliss, but from time to time, I do feel disconnected.

Sean. Choice

I’m sure Sean can have your shares held in a way that can never be traced back to you, John. All the wealth you could ever need, and I daresay we might be able to supply you with some bits and pieces of information that will keep you on the rise, professionally-speaking.


I recently discovered that I’m an accidental stoic. I’ve been a stoic for longer than I’ve known what a stoic is.

Sean. Caviar

And John. Born to privilege in England. A second class degree from Durham not really enough for the foreign office, but this is England. Connections matter. An avuncular word in the right ear, and suddenly a position opens up in “the service”.

Gallic Belligerence

All the major cities, and some minor ones are in turmoil. At the Assemblé Nationale, the members sang a lusty Marseillaise, preventing the Prime minister from defending the policy.

Sean. Return

“Nonsense. My associates will whisk you back to your desk after lunch.” She nodded that the four impassive guards. “I’m afraid I must insist.” There was steel in her tone.
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