Rawalpindi 2022

For some, Test cricket is utterly incomprehensible, for others, a wonderful way to spend the best part of a week absorbed in a game where objectively, not very much happens. In fact, more than a third of Tests end in a draw.

Christmas 2022

So - thank you for reading, especially if you’re a subscriber. I’m really grateful for your support. Have a wonderful holiday, whether that be Christmas or something else. Spend time with your loved ones. Find some time to look after yourself.

Sean. Contingency

“Are you hard of hearing? Yes. Stand them down. The Chechens can wait for another day. They’re not important. The prize is Sergei.”

Public Schools

A public school is, in fact, a private school. Unless you're in Scotland, where a public school is a state school and a private school is a private school. Why? You don't care, believe me.

Briefing with Sergei

“He’ll do the deal because it’s good for business. He’ll approve of my concern and worry for Sergei. He’ll want to look after me. All men seem to want to look after me…” She let the sentence hang, staring at Sean.


None of us know. That’s the thing about death. It seldom makes an appointment.

Party Logistics

Do you really think you can have a cosy chat with Sergei and walk away? And why would you? This agreement with the Chechens, and your part in it, puts the world at our feet. This isn’t the time to walk away, Sean. This is your chance, our chance, to shine.

Tasks & Timeblocking

What about time blocking though? Everyone discovered during lockdowns that if you don’t decide what you’re working on, then life will do it for you.
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