The Third Carolean Era

Market reaction was muted. (Mostly, this would be because most of “the market” were enjoying a long, mostly liquid, lunch. It was a Friday, after all.) However, as people digested the measures being taken, the pound plummeted and yields on gilts soared.

ReMarkable! (2)

“Replace your notebooks and printed documents with the only tablet that feels like paper.” So boasts the website. That’s bold, intriguing and vaguely worrying.

Back to Work

"But the Russians are bad news. I know the business is good, but can’t we stop? Kriszta and I will find new business, better business, cleaner business."


These “colleagues” are the best kind. They smile, greet me and then leave me the hell alone. At the end of the hour, they give me the thumbs up and disappear.

Party Pooping

Sean slowed his breathing. To his own surprise, he was more excited than anxious. He could see why his father had loved all the cloak and dagger, as he described it.

Battling the Algorithm

Unbeknownst to me, I had awoken a giant compliance machine. While I went about the rest of my task list, flags were being raised, transactions reversed and “stops” put in place.

The Queen is Dead

I, am of the Elizabethan age, a seventy year reign from the 1950’s to the 2020s. All of a sudden, it feels as though everything has changed.

Party Planning

“It going to be a bit Village People, don’t you think?” Blank looks. “I mean, it’s going to be thirty men and you, Jana. A bit male.”
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