Sean, Act II, 25 & 26

Sean struggled not to blow his cheeks out. There was no way he could handle double the business without finding a way of managing the cashflow. This way - he could pick and choose what went through the business and what was traded directly with the black market.

Back to School

But, I'd like to get a degree. Finish what I started. Post-modernism in the media? Thanks, but no. Something more relevant perhaps?


Nothing lasts forever, and nor should it, I guess. But it would be nice if my novel ideas stuck around for a decade or two; just in case I actually get around to finishing one.

Focus Course Academy

First of all - Focus is a road, not a destination. Spending a little time assessing where my focus and attention is being spent is a good investment.

Merry Inbetwixmas

They are the weighted blanket of the year. Recovery days in the race of life. Several times, I've stood at my computer, willing myself to write. Then, I've gone upstairs for a chocolate or twenty-eight. I've put the TV on, picked up my phone and checked in on social media.

Working Tools - Minimalism

Another day, another setup. My friend, Amanda [], noted in a letter that she had listened to an episode of Stationery Adjacent [] and marvelled at the amount of kit that co-host Justin [] and I went through. I have been thinking

Analog by Ugmonk

There's a special corner of the stationery world with an almost inexplicable attachment to the index card.

Members - Rock 'n' Roll

At Nyugati was Total Car, first it was on the top floor at the right side tower, later moved to a storage beside McDonald's and was renamed to Bahnhof, there you knocked out three Chinese guys at once.
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