
pri·​or·​i·​ty | \ prī-ˈȯr-ə-tē Plural: priorities 1a: the quality or state of being prior b: superiority in rank, position, or privilege 2a: precedence in date or position of publication b: legal precedence in exercise of rights over the same subject matter: a preferential rating especially: one that allocates rights

Sean 7 & 8

Neither Sean, nor his colleagues paid any attention to the man sat in the bar across the platform. He had travelled in the carriage behind them on the metro from Vaci utca. He paid no attention to anything but them.

Living the Dream 103. The Covid Hokey-Cokey

Ahh...thank God that's over. What? Not over? Where's my mask? This is my current internal dialogue. I've been double-jabbed, as has Mrs L, and most, if not all of our friends. There are pretty much no restrictions that impact us, other than the

Sean 5 & 6

"For twenty seven thousand forints, you should keep car. Always telephone taxi. Never from street. Never from outside pub. Never from outside airport. Phone. You understand?"

Pizza and Pimms

My wife was born and raised in London, but in an Italian family. This final is her dream tie. She'll be supporting Italy (loudly), but if the Azzurri are to lose, then to England at Wembley is the best possible other result.

Sean. Scenes 3&4

Budapest itself had a Gallic accent. The buildings either side of the avenue would not have looked out of place on Boulevard Haussmann. Sean half-expected to come across the Galleries Lafayette.

Sean 1

To misquote Eric Morecambe: "I'm using all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order." If you're not a member, this might be the perfect time to become one.


I put out a couple of thousand words a week here on, a portion of them reserved for Members. Membership [] is about supporting me as a writer, and is yours for £3 a month or £24 a year. I get some cash towards
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