End of Camino III

We stayed at the front, pulling up stools at the bar. We ordered wine - and a sort of blood pudding stew. Neither were for the faint-hearted, and in what may be a first, Stu and I were the soberest in the place, including the staff.

Living the Dream 97. Vaccinated

"Ah. I'm sorry, sir. You can't have the jab today. You see all the Non-GESY (Cyprus' national health system) people are on a different list. On Friday."

Camino 20. León

There is the possibility to avoid the busy (and dangerous) main road into (and out of) León by taking the bus from Mansilla direct to the city centre (€1.65)...Tempted?

Anchor Points

The positive impact of exercise is well-documented, and walking two adorable mutts is the best therapy anyone could ever ask for. If we could all take dog-like enthusiasm into life, what fun we would all have.

Camino 19. Finding Religion

The light was truly golden, there were no other pilgrims about and we had the Way to ourselves. Inescapable though, was that Stu was hobbling. "Sore?" "No. I'm just practicing my limp." I suppose it was a stupid question.

Working Tools 64: E-mail & Domains Update

I fear that hopes for a long and luxurious holiday funded by the sale of domain names that I had acquired, “just-in-case” are fading. I may only realise savings by letting my leases on them lapse. Ah well.

18. The Long March to Sahagún

We walked a little with a young German guy. He was on a strict timetable. Planning to finish the Camino Francés in three weeks, we was averaging 40km + a day. “I’ll bet he’s crap at drinking Rioja” I said, as disappeared into the haze on the horizon.

My e-mail

Assuming that all continues to go well - next will be Lime and then finally SL. Overall savings will be £250+ a year, just on mail hosting charges. I’ll achieve those desired savings, without compromising the “customer experience”.
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