Inspire 3

"A windows minimalist markdown editor for notes and distraction-free writing." I was talking with TJ on 1857 [] about transitioning some of my work from MacOS to Windows. I moved in the opposite direction in 2010, and apart from a brief dalliance with a

On camino - 2016

20km into a day, hot, weary and thirsty, the sound of a bicycle bell behind can elicit violence from the most passive of pilgrims.

One Year No Beer

366 days without an alcoholic beverage. (Who would pick a leap year? Honestly.) At least it was an uneventful year...oh wait.

Merry Christmas

Here we are, the night before Christmas. Covid-19 continues to cut a swathe worldwide, but vaccination has begun. Anxious for Christmas at home, UK and EU negotiators decided to get on with it, and finalise Brexit. Perhaps everything is on the up? Merry Christmas to one and all, from Mrs

Walking the Camino de Santiago

It’s only fair to warn you here - that on day 1, you are crossing the Pyrenees. As in, the mountain range. For the avoidance of doubt, that’s a lot of “up”. I trained.

4. Puente la Reina

The residents of Pamplona were, quite sensibly, in bed. There was very little traffic. All the more shocking then, that the only two cars on the road contrived to collide spectacularly.

Working Tools 51. Contextual Computing

In the way of an overgrown spoilt child, I had justified to myself the need for a new computer. Apple released the M1 chip, and the benchmarks were incredible.


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