Living the Dream - 42. Golf in the sun

Golf in the sun Both Mrs L and I play golf. Annoyingly, her swing is much better than mine, but I don’t tell her that and I don’t think that she reads the blog, so keep it to yourself. The opportunity to play a lot of golf in

Working Tools 17. - Podcast Setup

Every Monday evening, I come down to the the office to record an episode of 1857 []. “Make the past, the present in the future.” If you haven’t already, have a listen. TJ Cosgrove and I chat through our week and talk around a subject

Golfing Gods

Regular readers know that I play golf []. Living here, it’s a great excuse to be out in the sun, breathing fresh air and burning some calories. Of late, I have not been striking the ball well, nor putting well. The strongest part of my game

Writing Secret

Living the Dream - 41. Guest Season

Guest season is upon us. We have two sets during the month of April. They are looking forward to it, we’re looking forward to it. I just hope that the weather Gods got the memo. Not surprisingly, moving to a house with a pool, in a hot climate makes

Working Tools 16. - Home Office

Since moving [] to Cyprus, I don’t commute any more. I am lucky enough to have a distinct home-office. It’s a converted carport, connected to the house, yet separate. Now, six months after arriving, I am onto office 3.0. Desks This is a desk

And the Winner is….

Living the Dream -40. Walking

I have always been a fan of walking, in theory. In practice, less of a fan. There’s weather, traffic and other people. Largely therefore, I have gone through life seeing walking as a means to get from A to B. Much like a taxi, but slower. I documented elsewhere
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