
Almost the first podcast I listened to, I was on.

Episode 1 of 1857 was released on January 26th, 2018. The project had been suggested by TJ Cosgrove, who I knew through his association with a notebook website that I had just taken over. TJ was shooting some product videos for the site and had an unhealthy affection for pencils. We got to talking, him about pencils, me about pens, and he suggested we should record and release our conversations. After all, people listened to the Pen Addict and The Erasable Podcast. I heartily agreed, making a note to find out what a podcast was, and where one bought them.

We have been chatting every week since. Three years and counting. It’s my favourite entry in the calendar. Episodes are released weekly, and you can find them in your podcatcher of choice, or here.

In the beginning, I would follow the metrics. How many listeners do we have? What’s the most popular episode? How long until I’m a podcasting millionaire? Now - I had to look up the web address for our hosting, so that I could check the stats. TJ does the edit, giving his time for free. Nero’s covers the hosting, which is in part set off by sales of “Merch”. We record it, because we enjoy it. TJ & I have become firm friends, and in a world turned upside down, I can’t tell you how much of an anchor it is to have “Record 1857” in the calendar. Could we monetise it? Maybe. I guess. But actually - I think we’d rather not. Episodes often run long, and in many ways constitute two friends having a chat.

We have a loyal cadre of listeners, some of whom we hang out with in Slack, and our group is a quiet, cosy place on the internet, where we can indulge our love for the analogue and anything else that takes our fancy.

Emboldened by 1857, I also record a members podcast for this site. A weekly audible version of the posts here, and on Nero’s Notes. Some like to read, some like to listen. I’m happy to provide both for those generous enough to support me.

Through 1857, I got to know Justin Twyford, inconveniently (for my purposes) located in Vancouver, Canada. Justin edits the members podcast, removing the worst of my bad audio habits as best he can. We have much in common, and would talk frequently. As well as all things stationery related, Justin has a passion for model cars. Where Justin and I often meet, is in discussion of all things tech and management theory. We’re both consultants, after a fashion - and are seduced by all systems and tools said to enhance productivity.

So, in what can only be described as a habit, I now have another weekly date in the diary to phone a friend. Stationery Adjacent is born and available in your podcatcher or at its very swish online home. Justin and I are determined that this podcast will have shorter episodes than either of our other endeavours and will maintain a stricter focus on productivity, output and work. Our hope is that every episode will give the listener at least one nugget that they can take away and implement in their lives. Almost certainly, we’ll also talk about how absolutely essential it is to have “notebook a” or “app b” to enhance the workflow. After all - we have to ensure that we have the best #workingtools, don’t we?

My writing is supported by people like you. The Working Tools series is free to all, but there are other series, limited to members only. Paid Membership costs £3 a month, discounted to £24 per year. For this princely sum, you will get access to subscriber only posts, and a members podcast, direct access to a members chatroom , and a digital copy of any and all work that I publish in the year. Become a member.