


The lights had snapped on without warning in the dormitory. I had been awake for an hour or two, serenaded by an orchestra of snoring, grunting and farting. The Duck had not been awake. “Pu**** de m****.” He greeted the artificial dawn. “You do this in France…you die.” We

Keep Calm!

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/qtq80-pcfT7B.jpeg?ssl=1] Every time I think things are calming down… Sterling is down, the FTSE is up, consumer confidence is up, no down, no it’s… “HARD BREXIT!” “Boo! Soft Brexit!” “Wait! No Brexit.” I do wish that

Back in the real world

Weary, both from the walk, and a long wait at Bilbao, I was ready for a lie-down. As I emerged into the arrivals hall at Heathrow, I was met by the four ladies in the picture and their banner. The grown ups are Kate and my wife Margaret. The wee


The Loose-head has made it to Bilbao. Faced with a 5 hour wait for the tight-head, I headed into downtown Bilbao for a mosey around. With luck, we will have a post Camino lunch here next Saturday. What a charming place it is. I have been taught by the best

Duck Season

A rare sighting last night of the Black Duck. In pensive mood. The team is assembling, with Franck, Gigi and the Duck in Bayonne/Biarritz. Today they will be joined by JC before moving up to Saint Jean Pied de Port. Here, its just gone 4am. I’ll be leaving

T minus 2!

Good Grief. It’s happening. T minus 2. Too late to back out now. Although – not too late to make a donation [https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Stuart-Smith62]. 24 Hours from now, I will be waiting for Stuart Smith (it was ever thus) at Bilbao Airport. 48 hours from now,

The Camino

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Start-n-Finish.jpg?ssl=1] Been a bit quiet here. Mostly because I have been blogging here [https://stuartlennon.com]. I’m off on a walk. In memory of the man in the collage above, Terry Anderson. I’m not alone,

Entente Cordiale

It’s National Poetry day here in the UK and the Tight-head has come across all lyrical. ‘Agincourt, Waterloo and all the rest; not to be trusted, the French. Garlic-eating, cheese-munching surrender-monkeys, The French.’ Germain, Jean Christophe, Franck and Laurent are French and yet, THEY are the ones walking with
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