


First, two named Stu chose the follow ‘The Way’. Along waddled a Duck in their wake and the ‘Sensible Shoes Camino, a Front-row on Pilgrimage’ was born. Then came Jean-Christophe, a slightly unbalanced second-row, keen to guide us along. On a late burst, (as is a centre’s habit) Gigi

Team Apparel

Once again, a word from the Tight Head, or perhaps ‘Pin-head’ might be more appropriate? Is it me or is his head now too big for his body? I, of course, still have the inverse problem… As is well-known, behind every ‘good’ man, stands, well in this case, three, good

A Memory of Terry

Once again, the tight head has some words of wisdom for you all. ‘What are you going to do for your stag weekend Stu?’ Bishop mused. ‘Oh, I don’t know, few pints with the lads, bit of dinner; the usual.’ I replied. Two weeks later, I found that the

No Sherpas?

“So, just to confirm. We walk twenty plus kilometres each day. On our feet. We stay in hostels. Not hotels, but hostels. We wash our own kit and carry it with us every day.” Sitting in his dining room in Malahide, Stuart sensed this was a key moment. “Terry was

Mobile Posting

Does it work?

FIVE! The team is growing.

A fifth man has joined the team. (It is alleged) As is the way in communication between forwards, the message is somewhat confused, however, we believe that our numbers are now swelled by the addition of a back. Take a bow, Germain Gouranton. Being A. A back, and B, not

A word from our sponsor

The title is not accurate. YOU are our sponsor, the Hospice will be the recipient of your generosity. As some of you reading this are rugby players, I’ll say it a different way. YOU should click on the link in the sidebar – or even HERE [https://www.justgiving.com/


Don’t get me wrong. I am extremely lucky to have so many distractions. I write this post from a beautiful spot in Cyprus, where I have been swimming every day and playing golf, watching my wife get better and better at the game. It’s only a matter of
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