
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 88. - Party Time?

The phoney virus. Calm down. I’m not suggesting that Covid 19 is a phoney. According to Statista.com [https://www.statista.com/topics/5994/the-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/] , as of the 19th of August 2020, the world had experienced 22,322,068 cases and 777,668 deaths. That’s very real. We

Living the Dream. 87. Hobson’s Choice

As I write, Cyprus is, mostly, out of lockdown. In terms of day to day life, there are very few restrictions. However, restrictions remain for visitors coming here. Countries are in one of the three categories. A, B and C (everyone else). A is countries where Covid-19 is deemed to

More from the Big Compliance Festival

Over on Lime, I’ve been looking at Fraud and AML during the pandemic. [https://limeconsulting.com/fraud-threats-during-the-pandemic-situation/]

Writer Interrupted

Episode 3 of Writer Interrupted, the Patrons-only podcast released yesterday. Patrons can log into their account for a personalised link.

The Dark Money Files

Over on Lime Consulting, I wrote about the role of UK LLPs in global money laundering schemes. Dark Money [https://limeconsulting.com/the-dark-money-files/]

Writer Interrupted - New Episode

Episode 2 of the Patrons-only podcast, “Writer Interrupted” has been published patrons’ feeds.

New Post on Nero’s Notes

All sorts of new stock coming to Nero’s Notes. Paw Prints [https://www.nerosnotes.co.uk/blogs/news/the-vaguest-blog-post-ever]

(no title)

Over on Limeconsulting.com, I’m talking compliance again. The Big Compliance Festival Part 1 [https://limeconsulting.com/change-and-culture/]
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