
Living the Dream

Writer Interrupted - New Episode

Episode 2 of the Patrons-only podcast, “Writer Interrupted” has been published patrons’ feeds.

New Post on Nero’s Notes

All sorts of new stock coming to Nero’s Notes. Paw Prints [https://www.nerosnotes.co.uk/blogs/news/the-vaguest-blog-post-ever]

(no title)

Over on Limeconsulting.com, I’m talking compliance again. The Big Compliance Festival Part 1 [https://limeconsulting.com/change-and-culture/]

(no title)

Over on Neros Notes, I wrote about my OYNB journal. Thought-Camera [https://www.nerosnotes.co.uk/blogs/news/thought-camera]

The Big Compliance Festival

It’s a thing. No. Really. It is. The Big Compliance Festival [https://limeconsulting.com/the-bigcompfest/]

Brass Kaweco

Writing about my brassy companion on Nero’s Notes Kaweco [https://www.nerosnotes.co.uk/blogs/news/kaweco]

Living the Dream 85. - A new normal?

Update In my little bubble, much is happening. I watch, incredulous, the events in the US. I wrote earlier in the week [https://stuartlennon.com/members-74-blackouttuesday/], how I felt. I hope this is a watershed. The Patient Mrs L battles on with her back, slowly climbing the steep slope of

Three Wise Monkeys

Writing about Money Laundering [https://limeconsulting.com/three-wise-monkeys/] over at Lime
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