
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 83. Lockdown

Cyprus has laid out a blueprint [https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/anastasiades-announces-easing-of-lockdown-from-may-4/] for exiting lockdown. Is it right? Is it wrong? I don’t know. However, I’m most interested in whether it’s relevant. At various dates, we will be allowed to start doing things that we haven’t done

Living the Dream 82. - Health Insurance

“No health insurance?” A shake of the head. The pedant in me wanted to point out that we had chosen to self-insure rather than buy the health insurance policy offered to us. However, I felt it best to nod. Alien Registration In order to live in Cyprus, it’s a

Living the Dream - 81. A month in bed

Our personal lockdown has now been a full month. On March 3rd, Mags went to bed, still in agony with a bad back. On the 4th, she couldn’t get up. Since then she’s been to a couple of hospitals, had three rides in an ambulance and almost had

Living the Dream - 80. Lockdown

Before the Lockdown Adamantios (his real name) took me through the CT. I’m sure he was speaking English, but when it comes to the medical terms, Greek remains the lingua franca.Spondylolisthesis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spondylolisthesis] was one of the more entertaining tongue-twisters. I’m not sure

Living the Dream - 79. Field Test - Medical

Ambulance “What?” The paramedic eyed our straightest staircase with horror. “If we go around the house, there are fewer steps,” I ventured. We went off to explore this route, while the ambulance driver focused on turning the vehicle around, knocking over the lighting on the driveway as he did so.

Living The Dream 78. A plan

This month, I have written about the joys of property repairs [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-76-property-repairs/], a dodgy pump [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-77-the-haunted-pump-of-doom/], and an impending trip to Rome [https://stuartlennon.com/members-59-la-bella-italia/]. I had intended to write about that trip and my next one, to London. The older I get,

Living The Dream 77. The Haunted Pump of Doom

Question I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the pending bathroom refurbishments [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-76-property-repairs/]. We were in a second bathroom store, looking at shower units. “Pump or gravity?” The salesman quizzed Margaret. She turned to me. “Pump or gravity?”. I turned to the paint pots. “Pump or

Living the Dream - 76. Property Repairs

Property repairs, not my thing. We are fortunate to live in a villa with a pool, set on a substantial plot in a beautiful spot. My Mum and Dad bought the land, commissioned architects and builders to create it. That was more than a quarter of a century ago, and
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