
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 75. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you! Christmas How were the holidays for you? We’ve had a cracking time. Christmas was at the mountain hideaway, just Mags, Spice and I. The weather was boisterous, but we managed to get Spice out for a windswept walk on Christmas morning. Travel On the

Living the Dream - 74. All rise

All rise As predicted [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-73-the-wheels-of-justice/], we turned up at 9am and were directed to a courtroom. (If you need to know why, start here [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-19-shattered/].) We were told to return at 1030 and went for a coffee. As I carried our purchases towards the

Living the Dream - 73. The wheels of justice

The wheels of justice turn slowly. Margaret took a call in the car. Someone was hoping to serve court papers on her. She explained that we were on our way home and would be there in five minutes. The server elected to post the papers at the gate and continue

Living the Dream - 72. Plotting and Planning

Autumn is for plotting and planning. Ideally, the New Year is when new chapters begin, and to make that happen, I need to get going in November. Seasons This is the perfect time to lock myself into the office/cave. The days are getting shorter, the evenings cooler, it’s

Living the Dream - 71. Spitting at the screen

I’m regularly spitting at the screen. My favourite comedian, Billy Connolly [http://billyconnolly.com] referred to his “muesli-covered Radio”, involuntarily pebbledashed each morning, by the outrage he felt at the nonsense being spoken. I’m doing the same, but at various digital screens. Politics Obviously, I don’t live

Living the Dream - 70. Water, water, everywhere.

Winter 2019-2020: “So – last winter [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-29-winter/] was the worst in 109 years? Hold my beer.” Storms The sky shook, sheets of lightning lit the room again and again. Mediterranean storms are quite the show. Spice’s formative months were during the long, wet, nights of last year,

Living the Dream - 69. Winter is coming

Our second winter is coming. As a special treat, our first winter in Cyprus was the wettest since records began over a hundred years previously. Winter Chores Like many expats before us, we discovered that it doesn’t need to get too wet or too cold to feel unpleasant in

Living the Dream - 68. Back on the Road

I’m back on the road, this time with Margaret. In between guests, we are back in the UK for a week. Spice is off to Camp Bow-wow, and we’re off to good old Blighty. It may be the last time that we pass through an EU passport holder’
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