
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 70. Water, water, everywhere.

Winter 2019-2020: “So – last winter [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-29-winter/] was the worst in 109 years? Hold my beer.” Storms The sky shook, sheets of lightning lit the room again and again. Mediterranean storms are quite the show. Spice’s formative months were during the long, wet, nights of last year,

Living the Dream - 69. Winter is coming

Our second winter is coming. As a special treat, our first winter in Cyprus was the wettest since records began over a hundred years previously. Winter Chores Like many expats before us, we discovered that it doesn’t need to get too wet or too cold to feel unpleasant in

Living the Dream - 68. Back on the Road

I’m back on the road, this time with Margaret. In between guests, we are back in the UK for a week. Spice is off to Camp Bow-wow, and we’re off to good old Blighty. It may be the last time that we pass through an EU passport holder’

Living the Dream - 67. Permanent Holiday

“A permanent holiday, isn’t it? Living in Cyprus?” That would be nice. Really nice. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy holidays. I eat too well, drink too much, exercise less, but have a terrific time. Of course, this might explain why I put on 35lbs in

Living the Dream - 66. 12 months

12 months (and two days) ago, Mags and I arrived in Cyprus, to make a new life for ourselves. We were excited and full of optimism. Tragedy In October, our hearts were ripped to pieces [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-19-shattered/], when our beloved and much-missed pet Nero was savaged and killed

Living the Dream - 65. Autumn

Autumn is here. Meteorologists are in Autumn from September 1st. Some people look for the leaves to change colour on the trees. My Autumn begins when I return from the camino. [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-63-camino-iv/] September is often still hot, but gets cooler as the month goes on. October is

Living the Dream - 64. Camino IV Part II

Camino IV Part II is brought to you by the magic of the internet. This post, and every post this week, has published while I am walking in Northern Spain. Last Walking Day Today, Friday, is our last walking day on this trip. If everything has gone to plan, then

Living the Dream - 63. Camino IV

Camino IV begins the day after this post publishes. I’m off to Northern Spain again. Route Over six days, I will walk 109.5 miles (176.2 Km). This is Camino IV of V, and next year we have 83 miles left of the 500 mile pilgrimage that we
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