
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 53. Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold is what they used to call olive oil in these parts. When I was a boy in England, oil was what you fried chips in. There was another type that you put in your car. Taste-wise, they were pretty similar. As people traveled more, so did food. Olive

Living The Dream - 52. Snakey McSnake Face

Snakey McSnake Face is probably not her real name. I didn’t ask. On Sunday I had walked to two famous Venetian footbridges [https://in-cyprus.com/4-venetian-bridges-in-cyprus-that-will-leave-you-breathless/] up in the Troodos mountains. It was a lovely hike of eight miles or so. I was even presented with my “50 mile

Living the Dream - 51. Back on Track

Everything is back on track. Returned Margaret has returned, bringing the elves [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-50-home-alone/] with her. The house looks tidier, smells nicer and everything is where it should be. Both Spice and I have a spring in our step. Temporary? But for how long? One of Margaret’s

Living the Dream - 50. Home Alone

Parteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m home alone for ten days. Mrs L is in Sicily, visiting the ancestral village and a friend or two. As an introverted extrovert, or extroverted introvert, or something like that, I am happy in my own company. While I’m relaxed about being home alone, Mrs L

Living the Dream - 49. Award-winning pooch

Spice is an award-winning pooch. On Saturday, “Rescue and Rehome Cyprus [https://www.facebook.com/RnRCy]” ran a fair at our local taverna, Lenia’s. Margaret had a table for her Grief Recovery Method [https://margaretlennon.com] site, not because she saw it as an opportunity to grow the business,

Living the Dream - 48. Roundup

Time for a roundup. Weather I wrote last week [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-47-hotting-up/] that things were hotting up. Haven’t they just. Temperatures hit 42 degrees Celsius (107 Fahrenheit) on the golf course this week. I prefer to walk a course, eschewing both a buggy and a trolley. I find

Living the Dream - 47. Hotting up

Hotting Up Cyprus is hotting up. Overnight, summer arrived. In true British style, we had been lamenting [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-45-coptic-gales/] how unsettled the weather was and how temperatures were below average. Then, boom. Temperatures leapt from low twenties (70f) centigrade to low thirties (90f). The dog appeared shocked initially,

Living the Dream - 46. The Trouble with Trees

The trouble with trees is that they keep growing. “Sorry. We can’t stay long, we have to get home to meet our tree surgeon.” Not words that I had ever imagined saying. My parents built the house nearly thirty years ago, and planted several trees then. One or two
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