
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 27. No Quarter given.

No quarter given A quarter. We have been here a quarter of a year. We arrived in Cyprus on the 21st of September, so today, the 22nd of December marks three months of #livingthedream. Challenges There have been moments, far too many moments, of despair and pain. None of us,

Living the Dream - 26. Rain? Where did that come from?

Rain? Where did that come from? The sky, obviously. Winter My memory of rain here was of spectacular electrical storms, followed by beautiful clear days, the air feels thin and crisp, where before the storm it was soggy and heavy. Cypriot rain is mostly polite, falling predominantly at night. It

Living the Dream - 25. Sugar & Spice

Sugar & Spice, and all things nice, that’s what little girls are made of… Quite apart from being a gender stereotype, our “Working Titles” for the newest additions to the Lennon household are quickly turning out to be misnomers. Background Some monster abandoned the litter of eight at the

Living the Dream - 24. First Guests

Our first guests have been and gone. Of late, Cyprus was anything but #livingthedream. I had postponed planned travel until the New Year. Consequently, I spoke with Clare @ Nero’s Notes and floated the idea that as I wasn’t travelling, she might come here. It was a long shot.

Living the Dream - 23. Bad luck comes in threes

Living the Dream – 23. Bad luck comes in threes The Three First, we got burgled [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-11-robbed/]. Then came the horrific attack [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-19-shattered/] on Margaret and Nero. Now, somebody has gone after the car. Generally, I try to be a positive person. I see the

Living the Dream. 22- Mind your language

Language Class. I sat on a chair designed for somebody a fifth of my age and weight. My knees let me know that they were not enjoying this unaccustomed position. We were waiting for Stavros, who was to be our tutor. Margaret and I had come with our neighbour Nicky,

Living the Dream - 21. Moving On

Moving on from Nero In my last post, I compressed ten days into a few paragraphs. For Margaret and I, those ten days felt like ten months. We are both still sad. We both miss Nero and we will never forget him. That, is as it should be. Every night,

Living the Dream - 20. Nightmare

London Mine is the easy nightmare. I had got to the airport, and killed time in departures. As the aircraft took off, I was waiting for a message indicating whether Nero had survived emergency surgery. We had adopted Nero at 12 weeks old, and shared our lives with him for
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