
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 14. On Camino

The Camino de Santiago. This post will, through the magic of wordpress, go live as I am finishing up a thirty two kilometre walk from Sahagún to Religeos. If you want to know more about the Camino, and why I’m walking it, click the ‘Camino’ category on the page

Living the Dream - 13. Farewell

Farewell! I’m all out of weekends. Not that I have cancelled them, but I have no more weekends in England. As I write this, I am preparing for my walking trip in Spain, which runs from next Saturday morning until the following Saturday night, and the one after that

Living the Dream -12. Four Weeks

I write this exactly four weeks before we fly to Cyprus. We are a tiny bit disappointed, knowing that we will be inspecting damage done by last week’s uninvited guests. (Robbed [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-11-robbed/]!) Friends secured the house for us immediately after the robbery, but the repairs are

Living the Dream - 11. Robbed!

Ouch. The unexpected ring of the phone startled me. I spilled coffee onto my hand. It was before six. Who called a mobile before six in the morning? The ring had come from Margaret’s phone. I let it ring and dealt with the spill. Mags called Antonia back. Antonia

Living the Dream - 10. Reality Bites

Reality has crept up. For months, emigrating has been exciting, distant and most importantly, theoretical. Something to talk about, plan for, even blog about. Then, all of a sudden, reality sidles in unseen, and chomps hard into my backside. By the time this post publishes, I’ll have twenty one

Living the Dream - 9. Nero

Nero. The Easiest Decision. I wrote last week about the Hassle Hurricane [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-8-hassle-hurricane/] and my coping strategy. The to-do lists are still growing but light is discernible at the end of the tunnel. One of our first decisions, which I have not covered in an earlier post,

Living the Dream - 8. Hassle Hurricane

In six weeks or so, we will be waking up in Cyprus. As my home [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-1-can-we-do-it/]. Oh, how I anticipate that day! Right now however, we are in the midst of a hassle hurricane. Hassle Each day, I wake to long to-do lists, endless dependencies and unforeseen

Living the Dream - 7. Mobile phone

Mobile Phone “It’s time to renew your mobile phone contract.” Music to my ears. The mobile contract for Mags and I was expiring a couple of months before we are due to leave. Once or twice in the past I have retained contracts made useless by a change of
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