
Living the Dream

Rioja - T minus 2

It’s Sunday night. God and BA-willing, in 48 hours I’ll be in Bilbao, dragging the tight-head out of a bar and looking for the bus to Logrono. The plan is that we hook up with the ? in Logrono for tapas and perhaps a medicinal glass of Rioja. On

Camino 2: Rioja

What Ho! It’s on. Later this year, the Front Row will pick up where it left off and walk another week of the camino. Dates have been agreed, flights have been purchased. The Belligerent Basque is primed and ready to go. (Isn’t he always?) Both Props were delighted


Why did nobody tell me about ageing? [https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0452.jpg?ssl=1] I walked the dog this morning, and on my way back, paused to admire the lawn. Not only to admire it, but to take a photograph of it.

Spring is here!

[https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0386.jpg?ssl=1] A whole month has passed. My second month at the helm of Pocket Notebooks [http://pocketnotebooks.co.uk] Writing has taken a backseat as I revel in the ups and downs of a new business.

A word from King Barry

[https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/King-Barry.jpg?ssl=1] Stuart is away this week. I, King Barry, Snow White’s father, will provide you with an update. Stuart is, thus far, doing OK on all goals for 2017: 1. Talks continue with a few potential

Dry January Goal

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Muga-Rioja.jpg?ssl=1] “Goal: Dry January,” you say? Let me stop you there. No. That is that nonsense out of the way. January the first is my Mum’s birthday. Happy Birthday Mum! Soon she will join us here

Christmas Time

[https://i2.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/NewNero.jpg?ssl=1] Merry Christmas! I’m looking forward to some tasty food, some classy grape based beverages and the company of friends and family – including the little fellow above, Nero the dog. The world’s media and thousands

The roof of the world

What Ho! It’s been a bit quiet here. The front row has been recovering from the camino experience. The tighthead is currently recovering hard with The Sheep and the Decorator. Were I a betting man, I might suggest that some rugby will be watched and some beers consumed, even
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