
Living the Dream

"Do this in France; you die." Nearly.

“Stu. Laurent is coming.” “Good for him. Who’s the lucky girl/boy/goat?” “No. Muppet. He is coming on camino.” I dropped the telephone. I had last seen Laurent in Bayonne, during the Rugby World Cup. As is a hooker’s wont, the Black Duck had gone slightly off

"Wait! I've got an idea..."

A word from the Tight-head. “A stroll, you say…” I was visiting Terry on a weekly basis at the Blackrock Hospice, doing what I do best, spouting inane drivel, wittering on about this, that and the other. Those of you who know me can vouch that this is an unrivalled

Then there were four.

As any second-row forward will tell you, a front-row is just three fat blokes without the support, power and agility of a good second-row. (You should understand that second row forwards do talk a load of nonsense.) Concerned that the Front-Row were likely to get lost without adult supervision, a


Those who complete the camino, may receive a certificate. The certificate is awarded in Santiago de Compostela after an interview and a review of the credencial. Pilgrims can get their credencial stamped in hostels, restaurants and bars along the Way. To qualify, a pilgrim must demonstrate that they have walked

The Camino de Santiago

“We could go for a walk, I suppose.” “Aye.” I replied, raising yet another toast to Terry, whose funeral I was to attend the following morning. So was set in motion our pilgrimage. Stuart and Stuart (you think you are confused? Try being us.) are going for a walk. The

Eating Food

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/eat-real-food.jpg?ssl=1] Now, we are on to one of my specialised subjects. You don’t get to be twenty one stone without packing away a fair amount of food. It is not completely new to me that twenty

A plan for a pilgrimage

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/caminopic.jpg?ssl=1] My last post [https://stuartlennon.com/a-wee-walk/], I talked about the Camino Francés. The more I thought about it, the more exciting it became. Should we start in Arles? Or Perpignan? Perhaps even Paris? Six weeks

A wee walk

[https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/CaminoFrances.jpg?ssl=1] On October the 8th, I’m catching a plane to Bilbao in Northern Spain. I love to travel, particularly to places where I can find good food and wine. This trip is a little different. I’
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