
Living the Dream


It is, by absolutely any measure, illegal. It costs an absolute fortune and won't work. If it did work, it would have zero impact on either migration or the small boats. Perhaps most importantly, it's repugnant.

William Hannah

I started looking for a suitable book to journal in. Given the time of year, I’m always drawn to planners and diaries. “New Year, New Journal! A planner to rule my life.”

Populist Poppycock

Populism is seductive, appealing and extremely dangerous. The core appeal is that it takes immensely important, convoluted issues and pretends that there exists a solution that can be encapsulated in a single tweet.


The storm and I descended together, the rain smashing into the tarmac. The road became a river, until at one point, it became obvious to me that Kyproulla would not make the route ahead.

Read all about it!

The Prime Minister himself, is grabbing every passing populist tidbit that he can lay his hands on. “Stop the Boats!” (And the trains). “Cease the war on the motorist.”

Five Years

I had plenty of time to consider how things would have unfolded had we been in the UK, and I’m convinced that we were very lucky to be in Cyprus.


Yesterday, Chicago lounged next to me on the office couch, as I earnestly explained that next day or two was going to be very confusing, but that everything would end up alright.


Now, London Gatwick regards itself as London’s second airport. In 2022, it handled 32.8 million passengers. At 7pm on a Saturday in August, Avis was closed. Why? Larnaca airport in Cyprus handles 5 million or so passengers a year, and its desks are open 24/7.
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