
Living the Dream


The dermatologist is absolutely charming, and a complete flirt. I’m not gay, and he knows that, but with a twinkle in his eye he becomes as camp as Christmas and cracks the one liners while giving my moles the once over.


I’m writing from the mountain hideaway, keeping myself out of the afternoon sun, with Sinéad O’Connor on the HomePods. What a wonderful, ferocious, tornado of talent she was, her death is so sad. RIP.

Excuses, excuses

Ivo, a splendid artist, took a few designs that I had found, discovered a means to cover up the old emblem and got to work. Six and a half hours over two sessions and the second piece was complete.

Death March

Spice, lead dog, has a cartoon-like hatred of cats. She only has to hear a faint mew and she tears down the garden, barking furiously.


I stood next to a Cypriot man, gazing at the office plan. "Understand?" He ventured. "Not a thing. You?" He shook his head sadly.

Health Report

I’m languishing on the dreaded plateau. It seems whatever I eat, however much I exercise, the scales stay stubbornly static. The trick of course is to keep calm and carry on, and I’ll endeavour to do that.

Becoming ignorant

Generally speaking, I don’t have a clue what’s going on in the world, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Mostly, ignorance is bliss, but from time to time, I do feel disconnected.


I recently discovered that I’m an accidental stoic. I’ve been a stoic for longer than I’ve known what a stoic is.
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