
Living the Dream


The rain is neither timid nor fierce. It’s implacable. Rivers from across the garden taking water away to the road. The dogs curl on the couch, burying noses under paws, eyes closed to the weather.

Christmas 2022

So - thank you for reading, especially if you’re a subscriber. I’m really grateful for your support. Have a wonderful holiday, whether that be Christmas or something else. Spend time with your loved ones. Find some time to look after yourself.


Scary. Blimey. No wonder I'm feeling glum.

Things that go bump in the night

The silence of the night was shredded by a crash. Cymbals? Window? What? The dogs were upright, ears cocked. Mrs L exclaimed “What was that?” The star of the show however, was me. I rolled from the bed, grabbing my trusty five iron and standing in one movement.

Reaction Times

Apocryphally, Cypriots never used to indicate lest doing so would deplete the battery. Now, it seems that somebody has announced that mobile phones only work when driving a car.

The Third Carolean Era

Market reaction was muted. (Mostly, this would be because most of “the market” were enjoying a long, mostly liquid, lunch. It was a Friday, after all.) However, as people digested the measures being taken, the pound plummeted and yields on gilts soared.

Battling the Algorithm

Unbeknownst to me, I had awoken a giant compliance machine. While I went about the rest of my task list, flags were being raised, transactions reversed and “stops” put in place.

The Queen is Dead

I, am of the Elizabethan age, a seventy year reign from the 1950’s to the 2020s. All of a sudden, it feels as though everything has changed.
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