

Data Migration

It's probably an overreaction, but my feelings about data privacy have hardened over the last weeks. The Orange One has given me pause on several fronts.

Building a blogging workflow

However, if you want to write about current affairs, ignore everything above. I have several ideas for posts on US tariffs but have never finished a draft. Tariffs on everything! Except for exemptions. Wait! Go! No. Yes! Maybe.

Writing Applications

However, the world is far from perfect, so I've accepted that a little copy and paste is often much less hassle than seeking perfection (or obvious functionality that the biggest companies in the world can't be bothered to do...sorry. FOCUS!)

The Morning Routine

Through lockdowns, the early-riser narrative gained even more traction as people had greater power than ever to build their own schedules. Apparently, people were rushing to get up before dawn for no sensible reason whatsoever.

Fun Mail

One issue is that Windows plans to discontinue the Mail application, sending me back to Outlook. Also, there's something dissatisfying about having different applications on each device.

Mail. Seriously.

Whimsy? Piss off. I'm working here. Outlook wears a tie.

You've got Mail

Outlook has become a complex edifice, demonstrating how smart, organised, and hard-working we are. A personnel question in 2017? Just hang on, and I'll pull up the email. Paper clip expenditure in June 2021? Wait one, I'll pull up the approval.

Notes from the trenches

Time-blocking works. It works in determining the priority for the day, and it also works in putting limits around tasks, preventing what Steinbeck called the indiscipline of overwork.
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