
Working Tools

Working Tools 31. The Internet

Yes. I’ve discovered the internet. Over the last several years, the commentary has all been about the internet as a cesspit of fake news, data harvesting and trolling. Over the last several weeks, we have been reminded of all the reasons that we love the internet. A Dutch woman

Working Tools 30. iPad First

In April of 2019 [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-16-home-office/], I had settled that I was not ready to leave behind a traditional computer and work on iPad first. Concerns 1. Backup. Corporate disasters in a past life make me paranoid of data loss. My mac has backups of backups. 2. Filing

Working Tools 29. On the road again

This post first appeared on Nero’s Notes [https://nerosnotes.co.uk]. Regular readers [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-6-briefcase/], or listeners to 1857 [https://www.1857.co.uk], will know that I do like a bag. Briefcases, messengers, backpacks and holdalls, I’ve an ample sufficiency of bags for days on

Analogue v Digital 3. - Task Management

Who can resist a bit of productivity? It’s the Holy Grail of the 21st century. Whether it be David Allen’s Get Things Done methodology or a variation thereof, everybody has a task management system. I have several. There’s nothing more productive than working on productivity, right? OK

Analogue v Digital 2. - Journals

This week, Journals. First, let me narrow down the definition. When I say Journals, I am talking about reflective journals, where I log events and feelings. I wrote last week [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-28-analogue-v-digital-1-calendars/] about Calendars, with the digital winning out for me, because of its ubiquity and shareability. The

Working Tools 28. Analogue v Digital 1. Calendars

I am afflicted with infatuations both for the analogue world of stationery and the digital applications for Apple hardware. Mix those in with a desire to be as productive as possible, and a large degree of experimentation is inevitable. Over the next few #Working Tools [https://stuartlennon.com/category/working-tools/

Working Tools 27. Apps-tastic

Apps The trouble with stock applications not working [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-26-periodic-apple-whine/] is that I look for other applications. While looking at an app for one thing, I inevitably find numerous apps for all sorts of other things. Oh, the first world problems that plague me. I started with Notes,

Working Tools 26. Periodic Apple Whine

I need an Apple whine. I need some grape wine too, but then that’s a constant state. My Setup MacBook Pro 15 inch 2017. High spec iPad Pro 10.5 Apple Pencil 1st Generation iPhone X Apple Watch Series 3 AirPods 2nd Generation AirPods 1st Generation HomePod Software All
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