
Working Tools

Working Tools 10 - Facebook

Facebook (FB). By any objective measure, it should be dead now. It lies, it steals, it believes itself to be above moral, legal and contractual considerations. Increasingly, consumers are aware of this. There is vocal disgust. There are movements urging us to quit Facebook. And yet, the company appears impervious

Working Tools 9 - Social Media

Using social media: A hot-button subject right now. One upon which, I am no expert. Usage As an individual, I have accounts at Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Micro.blog. I have had, and probably still do own accounts at Google+, Pinterest and Vero. Nero’s Notes posts on Twitter,

Working Tools 8 - Messenger

“A Messenger bag. That’s what I need.” The ink had barely dried on “Briefcase” [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-6-briefcase/] and I was already second-guessing the decision. Neuroses apart, an element of my decision was use-case. I explained that a backpack and or a messenger, although my favourite bag style, didn’

Working tools 7 - Notebooks

Mike Hurley and Federico Viticci, two of my favourite podcasters, are fans of the “multi-pad lifestyle”. I believe the phrase may have been coined on Cortex, a show that Mike does with CGP Grey, but don’t quote me on that. I live the multi-pad lifestyle too. They, of course,

Working Tools - 7. Briefcase

I co-host a podcast, 1857 [http://www.1857.co.uk]. On episode 51 [http://www.1857.co.uk/backpacks-and-knapsacks], we inadvertently touched on one my neuroses. Bags. Backpacks, messengers, briefcases, holdalls and everything in between. I am constantly on the hunt for the perfect bag (or bags). Interest was huge!

Working Tools - 6. Writing Setup

Writing Setup The photo is not staged. I got up from my chair, picked up my iPhone and took a picture. It’s 09:27 on a Friday morning. Mrs L has gone out to do the weekly grocery shop. Spice is in her crate, just to the right of

Working Tools - 5. Ulysses

Ulysses [https://ulysses.app/] I wrote here [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-2-software/] about the software that I use most, and in this post, I explore writing options in more detail. History In the corporate world, all writing was in e-mail clients or Microsoft Word. I’m old enough to remember when

Working Tools - 4. Bullet Journal

You may know that I run Nero’s Notes [https://www.nerosnotes.co.uk], where I sell notebooks and the odd bit of stationery. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that I use quite a lot of notebooks myself. I am resolved for 2019 to keep a bullet journal,
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