
Working Tools


[https://i2.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/IMG_20161129_083442.jpg?ssl=1] Ducks on the Pill Brook at the end of my street. This morning, I was watching a very brave journalist broadcasting from Aleppo in Syria. I do not claim to have any real handle

Hello, Google

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/google-logo.jpg?ssl=1] Yesterday, I posted about my love affair with Apple coming to an end. This was a little scary – as over the last few years, my brief encounters with Windows machines have not been happy ones. Never-ending

Bye, Apple

[https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/rsz_img_20161108_093158.jpg?ssl=1] I wrote here [https://stuartlennon.com/it-giants-grow-up/]about my penchant for gadgets and my frustration with the big IT names. In an effort to simplify my tech life, I had worked myself down

Ink, Ink and more Ink

[https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/rsz_img_20161107_142929.jpg?ssl=1] I recently rediscovered the pleasure of real pens, using real ink on real paper. This was as a result of considering techniques for writing, and I was led into a new world of

#BulletJournal #BuJo

[https://i2.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/IMG_0441.jpg?ssl=1] I regret to report that the star of my last post [https://stuartlennon.com/samuel-fraudster/], Samuel has still not signed up for the blog. I suspect that his emergency business trip has kept him busy.

Bye Bye Desktop

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Optimized-IMG_0171.jpg?ssl=1] I have posted about how I am becoming a little more analogue in my approach to life. I felt that technology was beginning to dominate [https://stuartlennon.com/digital-overload/] and dictate my days. Through a

S is for Stationery

[https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Spotlight.jpg?ssl=1] I have already blogged about Bureau Direct, where I get my notebooks. Another outlet where I recently purchased lovely headed paper is Honey Tree [http://www.honeytreepublishing.com]. Spurred on by my enjoyment of writing in

Writing Tools

[https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IMG_0050-1.jpg?ssl=1] Writing, at least for me, involves quite a lot of sitting around doing all manner of things that are not writing. At times, I can be a world-class procrastinator. Yes, I can do ‘the gazing
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