
Working Tools

Social Media Workflow

However, Nero’s Notes requires a steady stream of sales to keep it running. I'm not prepared to engage with the tech companies, giving them customer data in exchange for targeting, so I limit myself to putting out nice images and links.

Writing Workflow

I have set myself a goal. Every week, I will document a workflow. Just one. I find myself constantly reinventing the wheel. Partially, this is a form of procrastination, but I also have a terrible "process" habit.

Working Tools 75

I'm a digital hoarder. Corporate email from 2006? Certainly. Which month? Want to know which pub we chose for lunch on March 7th 2008? No problem. There's a whole exchange recorded for posterity.

Working Tools 71. Apple Season

The most successful computer in the world is the iPhone. Now available as Phone, Phone mini, Phone Pro, Phone Pro Max, iPad, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad Pro, iPad Pro max, MacBook Air, Mac mini, iMac.

Working Tools 70. Hot Desking

In a feat of imagination, Justin turned this conversation into a reason / justification / excuse to buy Apple's extraordinary XDR monitor. (A man after my own heart.)

Working Tools 69. Merging the analogue and digital

I own a stationery store, for a start. As well as the owner, I am the biggest customer. I do love a notebook. And a pen. And a pencil. Oh, and an index card. I'm sure it's a syndrome.

Working Tools 67 Note to Self

Notes. I'm all about Notes. I own a notebook retailer for a start. Right now, there are 14 notebooks on my desk, in use. Apple notes? 400+. Plain text files? Over 1,000. I know notes.

Working Tools 66 - SNTS

In the desire to make things easier, I am constantly drawn to new workflows, services and applications. This can be very productive and efficient.
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