Writing Applications

However, the world is far from perfect, so I've accepted that a little copy and paste is often much less hassle than seeking perfection (or obvious functionality that the biggest companies in the world can't be bothered to do...sorry. FOCUS!)

Little Slips

Effortless organisation. That’s what I want. A system that’s instinctive, forgiving and easy on the eye. That’s not too much to ask for, is it? No? While we’re here, I’d also like extendibility and expandability. A system that can grow with my needs.

The Digest

I'm glad to be on a break from social media - I would have found it difficult to restrain myself after President Trump's comments on Ukraine.

The Munich Revelation

Meanwhile, the Orange one himself had Romania by the collars behind the bikesheds. He wants those lovely Tate boys to be let off the hook immediately. After all, who hasn't been charged with human slavery, rape, fraud and money laundering?


The joy of the system is its simplicity and adaptability. Analog is the “last mile” of my task management workflow. It supplements my digital system in two ways.

Trump 2.0

I'm on record here at the blog as no fan of the Donald. However, I am amused by the narrative that he "wasn't elected to do this". Sorry, yes, he was. This is what draining the swamp looks like.

The Morning Routine

Through lockdowns, the early-riser narrative gained even more traction as people had greater power than ever to build their own schedules. Apparently, people were rushing to get up before dawn for no sensible reason whatsoever.

Fire up the Quattro*

Normal people (like my wife) believe that one pen is plenty for a day at the office. We know that getting it down to just four is already challenging enough.
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