Back from Basel

We meandered down from the Minster in the Old Town, crossing the Rhine on a sturdy bridge. The sun glittered on the fast-flowing river: a bucolic scene. My heart stuttered as I saw a head bobbing along in the current. Had someone fallen in?

Bumbling about Basel

It’s a Swiss club in France, where everybody speaks German.

Analog by Ugmonk

Ugmonk is “a design studio in Downingtown, PA, creating and curating products that combine form and function”, founded by Jeff Sheldon. The website describes Analog as “the easiest way to get things done. Analog is a physical tool that helps you focus on your most important work.” But what is

Being a Pest in Buda

My wife asks - “what if we go somewhere formal?” “We don’t get in,” I reply.

Who Upset the Applecart?

Still, the phones are great, Macs are better than ever, and peripherals are going great guns. Everything will be fine, surely. Apple is different from other tech companies.

Apple & The Commission

Apple appears to pride itself on devising schemes that appear to comply with regulation while simultaneously undermining the intention of that regulation. What clever dicks.

New (old) phone

I hit the button for live-chat support. The first support professional decided that it was all too much and terminated the chat. Oh.

Stepping Down

In the meantime, I’d like a phone that fits in my pocket and does the few things I need. I'll wait and see if there's an AI offering that I desperately need to have in my pocket.
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