

Golfing Gods

Regular readers know that I play golf [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-17-whats-the-hurry/]. Living here, it’s a great excuse to be out in the sun, breathing fresh air and burning some calories. Of late, I have not been striking the ball well, nor putting well. The strongest part of my game

(no title)

Half past seven in the evening already? Where does the time go? Time to curl up with a good book.

Living the Dream - 14. On Camino

The Camino de Santiago. This post will, through the magic of wordpress, go live as I am finishing up a thirty two kilometre walk from Sahagún to Religeos. If you want to know more about the Camino, and why I’m walking it, click the ‘Camino’ category on the page

Hang on a minute lads, I've got a great idea...

So ends ‘The Italian Job’ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Italian_Job], the iconic 1969 movie starring Michael Caine, as the cast hang precariously over an alpine precipice. We never learn the nature of the idea, or whether it works. [https://i1.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/

A bit dusty in here...Time for a Reboot

Eh up! It’s been a while since I posted anything in here. I’ve been busy. It’s high-time for a reboot. [https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/SL-Profile.jpg?ssl=1] Kitchen selfieReboot Firstly, NerosNotes [https://pocketnotebooks.co.uk] is keeping me occupied and

Rioja - T minus 2

It’s Sunday night. God and BA-willing, in 48 hours I’ll be in Bilbao, dragging the tight-head out of a bar and looking for the bus to Logrono. The plan is that we hook up with the ? in Logrono for tapas and perhaps a medicinal glass of Rioja. On

Camino 2: Rioja

What Ho! It’s on. Later this year, the Front Row will pick up where it left off and walk another week of the camino. Dates have been agreed, flights have been purchased. The Belligerent Basque is primed and ready to go. (Isn’t he always?) Both Props were delighted


Why did nobody tell me about ageing? [https://i0.wp.com/stuartlennon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0452.jpg?ssl=1] I walked the dog this morning, and on my way back, paused to admire the lawn. Not only to admire it, but to take a photograph of it.
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