
Living the Dream

Living the Dream - 19. Shattered

It’s shattered. I finished the last post [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-18-wins-and-losses/] with the following reference to leaving Margaret alone just after our container arrived: “Predictably – the day after its arrival, I’m back to London for a brief business trip. Mags will face the mountain of boxes alone, at

Living the Dream - 18. Wins and Losses

Wins and Losses. I shelved this post – after the dramatic events described in the next post. I thought I’d publish it anyway. You will not miss the irony. Telecoms I left you last week lamenting that I would be without broadband for the weekend. Good news. They fixed it.

Living the Dream-17. What’s the hurry?

What’s the hurry? Last week, we celebrated the arrival of a somewhat shaken, but not stirred, Nero; the real ruler of our household. This week, all three of us have been getting more settled and focused on designing our new lives. Windows A Cypriot friend organised for the ‘window

Living the Dream - 16. Landed

Yasu! We’ve landed. First Days On Saturday the 22nd of September 2018, we left home at 4 am and by a pleasingly symmetrical 4 pm we were at the house in Cyprus, our home for the foreseeable future. We are settling in; assessing the losses from the burglary [https:

Living the Dream - 15. Packed

Packed Packed. Our entire house has been packed. As this post is published, the container is on the truck, on its way to the ship. Late Saturday night, I returned from the Camino , having walked 130 miles in 6 days, tired but happy. On Tuesday morning, three cheery guys, well,

Living the Dream - 14. On Camino

The Camino de Santiago. This post will, through the magic of wordpress, go live as I am finishing up a thirty two kilometre walk from Sahagún to Religeos. If you want to know more about the Camino, and why I’m walking it, click the ‘Camino’ category on the page

Living the Dream - 13. Farewell

Farewell! I’m all out of weekends. Not that I have cancelled them, but I have no more weekends in England. As I write this, I am preparing for my walking trip in Spain, which runs from next Saturday morning until the following Saturday night, and the one after that

Living the Dream -12. Four Weeks

I write this exactly four weeks before we fly to Cyprus. We are a tiny bit disappointed, knowing that we will be inspecting damage done by last week’s uninvited guests. (Robbed [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-11-robbed/]!) Friends secured the house for us immediately after the robbery, but the repairs are
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