
Working Tools

Working Tools 25. - The Mac Pro

The Mac Pro The Mac Pro [https://www.apple.com/mac-pro/] is on its way. For years, hardcore Mac aficionados have been railing, whining and whingeing about the lack of a successor to the Mac Pro, less than affectionately known as the “Trash can.” Why had Apple abandoned the top

Working Tools 24. - I Like a Good Watch

I like a good watch. Actually, I like several good watches. Genesis Back in 1993, I left University and took a full time role in the foreign exchange industry. Not in a London trading room, but in Budapest. I boarded the plane with only an approximate idea of where Budapest

Working Tools 23. - Time to Upgrade?

Is it time to upgrade my hardware setup? Hardware The first post [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-1-digital-hardware/] in the #Workingtools series was a description of my hardware setup, and the second [https://stuartlennon.com/working-tools-2-software/] was on software. That was in April. All of the hardware is 2016 / 2017, which is

Working Tools 22. - New Camera

There is a new camera in the bag. Actually, it’s not in the bag, it’s in the pocket. That’s the point. “The best camera is the one with you” or versions thereof, is often attributed to photographer Chase Jarvis [https://www.chasejarvis.com/], and he may have

Working Tools - 22. ScanSnap

Filing. Yay! Alright, it’s difficult to get excited about filing. However, the ScanSnap has made my filing tolerable. Evernote I first came across the ScanSnap, in a green jacket: The Evernote Edition. This piece of hardware was completely integrated with Evernote [https://evernote.com/], and I was smitten. I

Working Tool - 21. Me

The biggest tool of all. Me. Hmm… that hasn’t come out quite as I’d hoped. It’s blazingly obvious, but whatever tools I use to help me write, they are insignificant next to the source of the writing. Whether it be of the head, the heart, of experience

Working Tools 20. - Music

“Music is the shorthand of emotion.” Leo Tolstoy. I’m writing [https://stuartlennon.com/draft-wrangling/] scenes set in Budapest in the early 1990s. My protagonist [https://stuartlennon.com/the-protagonist/], Sean is in a bar. Everything is going his way. He’s invincible, unstoppable. The world is his oyster and everything

Working Tools 19. - The Pocket Notebook

The Pocket Notebook The original personal data assistant. I use a combination of digital and analogue tools, which is not a policy decision, rather it depends which tool is right for the job. I wrote about my range of notebooks back in January [https://stuartlennon.com/writing-tools-7-notebooks/]. The primary function
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