
Living the Dream

Living the Dream -35. Guest Management

Guest Management is hard. We have had 3 sets now and are still learning. Don’t get me wrong, we see having people come to stay as a privilege, but there is no doubt, guests in the house changes how life works. Guest Management is a thing. Examples 1. Eating.

Living the Dream - 34. Renovations

The first round of renovations is now done. (I hope.) The house is pushing 30, and spent a few years unoccupied, and there are some parts of it that are showing their age. Such is the nature of houses. We will have plenty of projects to keep us going. Our

Living the Dream - 33. Settled

My trip to the UK presented an unexpected challenge. Snow had settled. The aircraft landed on time, I switched on my phone and it burst into song. Multiple message notifications flooded in. Localised settled snow Snowmageddon Landing late at night rules out public transport as a realistic option, although I

Living the Dream 32. Travel

As this post publishes, I’ll be setting out on a trip back to the UK. Travel was always going to figure in Living the Dream. I have two businesses based in the UK and though much can be done remotely, sometimes, boots on the ground are required. The attack

Living the Dream - 31. BREXIT

The clock is ticking toward the end of March, which at the time of writing is B-day. Brexit. That said, fear not, tempting though it is to embark on a rant as to the principle or the process, I find there are enough people out there blessing us with their

Living the Dream - 30. Harvest

My mum always jokes that if you throw a rotten tomato into the garden in Cyprus, months later, you would have a tomato plant. The soil here is incredibly fertile. Fruit and vegetables grow in abundance and taste divine. Winter is citrus season and we are fortunate to have some

Living the Dream - 29. Winter

Winter Winter is here. Cyprus has one. No, I didn’t know either. Many rejoice. “The dams need filling.” Recent arrivals look at each other, glum. Doubt wafts about. Nobody came for this. Winter has got out of the blocks early, and with alacrity. The news reports that yesterday, we

Living the Dream - 28. Perspective

Perspective December has been about recovery and perspective for us. After the horror of October [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-19-shattered/], and intense sorrow of November [https://stuartlennon.com/living-the-dream-21-moving-on/], we just kept going. We were feeling sorry for ourselves, bruised and battered. Still do. Mid-month, I read this. [https://sailingbritican.com/
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